Taiko Drums Are Coming!

The fifth grade is just finishing up their unit on Caribbean music with some salsa dancing. Despite the sweaty palms and bumping into each other, we had a such a fun time. There were a few surprises in the dance department as well. Who knew?!

We are getting closer to having our own complete Gomi Daiko (garbage can taiko) ensemble. I am putting the last pairs of legs on this week (weather permitting), and hopefully assembling the heads this weekend (fingers crossed!).

I hope the fifth grade is as excited as I am to learn more about taiko and master some new skills.

Tanoshimu! (looking forward to it!)
Ms. P.

No Band 11/24!

Just a reminder! The 5th grade band does not have practice after school on November 24th. We’ve worked so hard and had a fantastic rehearsal last week! Enjoy the day off!

Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

– Mrs. Barry

This Wednesday’s Rehearsal…

Dear Singers,

We have been working hard for weeks in preparation for our in school performance on December 23rd and our parent performance on January 12 at Muge Auditorium. Though singing together each week is such a gift,  I have been trying for a few weeks to give you a little surprise for all your dedication.

Spread the word…Do not miss this Wednesday’s rehearsal.  Please be on time. We have a great deal to do in the few weeks remaining!

See you there!

Ms. P.

Be a Caroler for Dover Tree Lighting!

Be a caroler for the…

Dover Tree Lighting – December 8, 2010


The Dover Tree Lighting is a fun community event for all ages. We would like to invite the entire Chickering School community and families to join us for this event. We will be singing traditional carols and songs for both Hanukkah and Christmas.


In preparation, we will have a community gathering in the Room1022 at the end of school on December 8th (12:15 to 1:15). Feel free to bring your bag lunch and eat with us. After lunch, we will go to the gym, hand out lyric sheets and run through all the songs with the multiple verses a few times. Families and siblings are welcome to join us for rehearsal, or you can simply show up that night and sing along.  


We will meet again at 6:30 pm. at the Town Hall. Depending on the weather, we may stand outside (dress warmly!), or if it is raining we will set up inside and peek at the tree lighting through the windows. The performance will begin at 7:00 pm, last for about twenty minutes, and then will be followed by cocoa and cookies for everyone.


This is such a fun way to get into the holiday spirit. Please come and join us!


Ms. Pappas
