Dover Tree Lighting

The annual Dover Tree Lighting is just around the corner! Can you believe it?!?

This is a community event hosted by the Dover Parks and Recreation for the town of Dover. Therefore, all members of the Chickering Community are encouraged to attend, sing along and celebrate the season.

Every year, we need 5th Grade Band members to play for this event. It is optional to play, but we hope your child will be able to participate. We will learn special music for this performance, so be sure that you can commit to extra practice time to learn the music in time for the event on Tuesday, December 9th.

We will meet for three rehearsals to prepare. Students who sign up to play must attend these rehearsals so that we can play our best! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

Here is the form with all of the scoop! —-> Dover Tree Lighting Form 2014

If interested, please return to Mrs. Barry by November 14th!

Let’s Go Band!

Chickering’s Winter Concert – Dec. 17

Chickering’s Winter Concert

Wednesday, December 17th, 1:30pm

Chickering School

Please join us for Chickering’s Winter Concert featuring the 5th Grade Band, 3rd Grade Junior Chorus, 4th & 5th Grade Chickering Chorus and Chickering Strings on Wednesday, December 17 at 1:30pm. We will wear “concert dress” which means students should wear light tops (white or light colors, blouse, dress shirt, etc.) and dark bottoms (black/brown/gray, pants, skirt, etc.). Students should bring their instrument and music to school on Wednesday, December 17.

Any questions? Contact Mrs. Barry or Mrs. Law-Linck!